Sunday, September 24, 2006

Smirnoff and coke

Smirnoff with coke
The tie pin with the sparkling stone…
Hotel California scribbled on the tissue…
Master flirter
The entertainment worth sixteen grand…absolut vodka
The drinks in the car…and driving back in that state
(C) UP 34 D
Driving from hyderabad on my sisters wedding
The tractor
The bottle green tie
The honesty… the drunken talks…
… will miss you dude…

Dedicated to “cup”

You meet people daily in your life. Some part of work…some friends…some acquaintances …there are those who you meet and that’s about it…those that you connect with at some level …and they become a part of your life.

I don’t come across a lot of people with whom I connect …but those that I do, I usually stay connected…

Had met one such chap (using the word chap … coz that just describes him aptly…good’ol chap)…over drinks through a common friend… and it began from there… the usual guy bonding over drinks… talking of lifes experiences… exploits…or the lack of them… some things turn out common…some vague…but the feeling of brotherhood seeps in ... a bond that holds you

…as time passed by … (not realizing at that moment …that it was not on our side)

then he moved to Hyderabad… different city…we still stayed in touch…

[ a lot more happened with our good’ol chap in between… he got married…got divorced… the court cases…..things I am not dwelling on here… ]

met him on the 31 august… after a long time…sat down for a guys night out… our chap was low on life but had managed to pull it back together…

… next time I went to his house, we opened the door and saw a chair on the bed just below the fan…. They had removed him a day earlier… he had been like that for two days…

we collected and packed his stuff…

though we know what drove him to it… don’t know what pushed him over the edge… hate the people responsible for it … but at some level partly admit to the guilt coz we were there and yet not there…

“My brother's sane
His heart is so strong
He's killed some pain
To himself nearly did the same

It washed away
Into the cruel sea
Like everything that's built upon the sand

Flesh and blood
Flesh and blood

I'm just a man
My will is so strong
When I've got plans
I close my eyes to the pain” #

Later that evening two of us toasted to him by having his drink Smirnoff with coke… which I now call “the cup” ( UP 34 D was his cars name plate)

Incidentally the last I spoke to him was on 7th sep which I thought was his birthday when it was actually on 7th oct... life’s practical joke…

# Lyrics from “I’m Just a Man” by INXS